Website Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting the website (hereafter
referred to as Site). By accessing our website and downloading
our terms of use, you agree to be bound the following terms of
use, in addition to our privacy policy. We reserve the right to
change these terms of use and will post the date of the latest
update on this web page. You represent that you are legally able
to accept these Terms of Use, and affirm that you are of legal age
to form a binding contract, or have obtained parental or guardian
consent to do so. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you
may not use the Site.
The website is operated by The Naynur
Corporation, referred to as “We” and “Our” below. Those that
access, download, and use our website is referred to as “Users”,
“You”, or “Your” below

Subscription Cancellation/Refund Policy

You may cancel at any time and your subscription will remain active through the paid period. After cancellation no additional charges will be incurred. No refunds will be issued. All Fling sales are final. All Fling Token redemptions are final. We do not exchange Flings.

Exchanging Information

Certain areas of the Site allow users to connect with, exchange
information with, and hire services provided by others. You agree
that We are not liable nor responsible for information exchanged
or services rendered. You acknowledge that We are not a broker
of services and all services hired through the Site are your
responsibility. You agree to not hold us liable for any other user’s
actions or inactions.

Rules of Conduct

The Site has established rules of conduct, including the below. As
a user you must not:
• Harvest, scrape, or electronically reproduce any content,
using automated or non-automated methods
• Access or download videos, audio, graphics, and other
content assets to bypass the Site or replay or reuse the
graphics in a way outside of the Site

• Attempt to access unauthorized areas of the Site that you
have not been granted access
• For one user to sign up for multiple accounts to bypass
system security
• Upload pornographic and / or inappropriate pictures (for
areas such as the profile photo, etc.)
• Overburden the Site with the intention to disrupt service
• Provide false information (such as false names, email
addresses, and other information). This includes
impersonating others.
• Restrict other users from enjoying the Site
• Engage in spamming, flame wars, trolling, chain letters, or
unsolicited sales communication
• Post any content that introduces a risk of harm, loss,
physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death, disability,
disfigurement, or physical or mental illness to you, any other
person or any animal. This also includes posting content that
seeks to harm or exploit children by exposing them to
inappropriate content or behavior, and asking for personally
identifiable details.
• Post any content or take any action that is fraudulent, vulgar,
obscene, unlawful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive,
defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or
publicity rights, harassing, high-pressure sales tactics,
humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), libelous,
threatening, profane, or otherwise harmful to us or any user.
• Post copyrighted content that you do not own
• Post any content that contains any information that you know
is not correct or current.
• Post any content or take any action that encourages criminal
We reserve the right to disable accounts, moderate, edit or
remove posts and content, and block access without notice.

No Warranties

We do not claim to treat or solve marriage and relationship
problems. By using the Site you waive the right to file a claim
against us and agree to not hold us liable for any information or
advice found through this Site.
By using this Site you waive the right to file a claim and will not
hold us accountable if participating in a suggested activity causes
any accidents, harm, injury, emotional damage, divorce or death.
We do not guarantee Site uptime or availability. We also do not
guarantee that information posted in the Site will be available all
the time or without error. We do not guarantee that the information
uploaded will be completely private to you, although we will make
reasonable efforts to protect your privacy.

Affiliate information

Some of the links to products on this site are affiliate links.  It simply means, at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission if you click through and buy any product.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Faithful Fling is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 

Intellectual Property

The Naynur Corporation owns the intellectual property rights in
the content and materials displayed on the Site. You may use the
Site and it’s content for your own personal, non-commercial use,
but you may not use it for commercial purposes. You may not
modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit,
translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any
manner or medium (including electronic means) any Site content
unless explicitly authorized in these Terms of Use or by the owner
of the materials.
If you submit or post any materials or content to the Site, you
grant us a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable,
transferrable, assignable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to
use such materials and content, including alterations thereof, in
any form or media, and via any technology we choose, whether it
exists now or is created in the future. You represent that (i) any
materials and content posted or otherwise submitted by you to the
Site is original to you and that you have the right to grant us these
rights, (ii) the posting and use of your materials and content on or
through the Site does not violate, misappropriate or infringe on
the rights of any third-party, including, without limitation, privacy
rights, rights of publicity, copyrights, trademark and/or other

intellectual property rights, and (iii) such posts and the content
contained therein abide by the Rules of Conduct set forth in these
Terms of Use.
You may choose to submit comments or ideas about the Site and
our other products and services, including without limitation about
how to improve the Site or our products (“Ideas”). By submitting
any Idea, you agree that your disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited
and without restriction and will not place The Naynur Corportation
under any fiduciary or other obligation, and that we are free to use
the Idea without any additional compensation to you and/or to
disclose the Idea on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to
anyone. You further acknowledge that, by acceptance of your
Idea, The Naynur Corporation does not waive any rights to use
similar or related ideas previously known to The Naynur
Corporation, developed by its employees, or obtained from
sources other than you.
Responsibility for what is posted in public areas of the Site lies
with each User – you alone are responsible for the material you
post or otherwise make available in public areas of the Site. You
alone are responsible for assessing the credibility of other User
postings. We do not control the material that you or others may
post or otherwise make available in such areas, and you
understand that we have no obligation to monitor any such
material or to edit or delete it. However, we reserve the right to do
so. We are not a publisher of user posts and we are not
responsible for their accuracy or legality.
You also understand and agree that any action or inaction by us
to moderate, restrict, redress or regulate content, or to implement
other enforcement measures against any content, conduct or
potential Terms of Use violation is undertaken voluntarily and in
good faith, and you expressly agree that neither we shall be liable
to you or anyone else for any action or inaction to enforce
measures against any content, conduct or potential violation of
these Terms of Use.

You are responsible for accurate information about your account
and demographic information. If your contact information
changes, you are responsible to keep it current. You are
responsible for all activity occurring when the Site is accessed
through your account, whether authorized by you or not.
Therefore, if you create an account, be sure to protect the
confidentiality of your account password. We are not liable for any
loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your password
or account information.
You are responsible for paying all fees and applicable taxes. Due
to the nature of digital content, all fees paid are non-refundable
and sales are final. We reserve the right to update our fees
without notice. You may cancel your subscription at any time, but
no refunds (whether in full or in part) will be issued.
This Site is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the Naynur Corporation Author’s
imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely

3rd Party Content

This Site may link to other websites, podcasts, videos, books, and
other materials. These links are provided for your convenience
only, and you access these links at your own risk. We do not
endorse or are responsible for these sites and products. We don’t
take responsibility for the accuracy of those sites.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold, The
Naynur Corporation, our parents, children, subsidiaries, affiliates,
officers, directors, co-branders and other partners, employees,
consultants, and agents harmless from and against any claims,
liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating to your misuse
or unauthorized use of the Site, your submissions to the Site, or
any violation of these Terms of Use, or applicable law, by you or

by someone accessing the Site via your account. We reserve the
right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and
control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, in which
event you agree to cooperate with us in defending such claims.
This indemnification, defense and hold harmless obligation will
survive these Terms of Use and the termination of your use of the